TSC – a powerful open-source controller for large telescopes

What is TSC? TSC is an open hard- and software project. It is based on t ON Semiconductor AMIS 30543 wit 1/128 microstepping and 3A maximum coil current are used. The boards are controlled via USB 2 from a Raspberry Pi3 currently. The programming environment used for development of TSC is Qt and C++. The... Continue Reading →

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A long winter has ended …

... and I spent it with developing new stepper driver interfaces. The Phidget drivers were not bad, but as their programming interface changed completely and they are fixed to 1/16 microsteps, something new had to come. And here it is - the AMIS 30543 controller, maximum current also 3.0A, maximum voltage 30 V, and a... Continue Reading →

Information at a glance

As said before, TSC is an open hard- and software project; its primary purpose at the time being is to provide a telescope controller based on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B for large stationary telescopes. In order to get familiar with its functionality, there are a few starting points: A beautiful PDF of more... Continue Reading →

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